November 13, 2009

I'm Fighting Back

The enemy comes only to steal our hope and happiness through depression, self condemnation, and many other ways. He comes to kill us by sending his demons to set up things like car accidents, transferred illnesses, suicide attempts, and many more. He comes to destroy our destiny and the things that God has planned for us, but yet some of us so called "christians" sit back and allow the enemy to do these things in our face like it's okay. It's funny to me how we can get mad at people when they are talking about us, family, or friends, and be so ready to fight that person because of words. But when it comes to the devil coming to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY we act like we don't see it, and let it slide. We don't get mad at him when the word says in Romans 12:9 that we are suppose to "HATE EVIL", and also in Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and authorities of the dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavinly realms." So why are we trying to fight people when the true enemy is the DEVIL. My pastor Joshua said something one saturday at encounter that stuck to me a lot. He said that"you should train yourself in the word of God so when the time comes when the enemy attacks you will know what to do because it will be natural because you have trained yourself in the word of God." How do we as warriors for Christ know the attacks of the enemy, and know how to defeat him if we're not in the word. The word of God is our instruction manual, and without it it's like you're going into war and you don't know how to work your gun. Everyone else is shooting at you, and throwing bombs but you're not prepaired to attack because you didn't follow the instructions given, so more likely to die. When you don't follow the instructions that the Father has given you to keep you protected from the attacks of the enemy, you are more likely to die spiritually or naturally. And we always wonder why the enemy keep attacking me? Why don't he bother someone else, it's probably because you let him, and he knows that you're not bold enough to use the authority that God has given you over him and his wicked ways to tell him to let you loose. We have victory over the enemy and anything he brings our way because of Jesus Christ, and the fear of the enemy isn't going to leave until you realize that. We have to begin to hate the devil enough, and trust God enough to fight back. Stop giving the devil more credit then he deserves. Stand up and FIGHT BACK!!!