September 2, 2010

What Are You Seeking For???

Last night, at Cary Church of God, the question was raised, "what are you seeking for?" In Matthew 7:7 it says, "ask and it will be given to you, SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND, knock and the door will be opened to you." So, I began to ask myself what is that I'm seeking for because whatever it is I'm going to find it. I began to think am i seeking to please others, or am I seeking God's approval? Am I seeking to be seen and recognized for what I can do, or am I seeking more ways to be humble? Am I seeking to have everyone looking at me, or am I seeking to direct everyone's eyes to God? Well according to Matthew 6:33 I am supposed to be seeking after God's kingdom and His righteousness, so if I'm seeking for anything else then I'm out of the will of God. This something that the church should ask themselves. Are we looking to save this generation, or be apart of it? Are we looking to give this generation a way out, or are we looking at ourselves to much that they're being pushed further into the traps of this world? Are we seeking to be the light of the world, or are we looking to blend in witht the dark? There's a generation out here seeking love, acceptance, and consistancy, but where is the church? We are supposed to be the ones directing them to Christ; the only person that can fill that void in their heart. Yes, they may run to the world, but they aren't satisfied because they are still searching for that void filler. The world offers temporary pleasures that fulfill for a while then once that runs out they are out looking for something else, but the world is the one who is embracing this generation with open arms. The church hands are clenched so tight trying to hold onto something we don't deserve at all. We're seeking to make sure that we get into heaven, and forgetting about everyone else. In Matthew 22:39 it tells us to "love our neighbor as ourselves" so if we're not loving our neighbors enough to give them what the Father has given then we won't get into heaven no matter how hard we try. Church, we have to examine our hearts and get into alignment with God's plans. This generation is seeking, but who's waiting with arms wide open ready to give them what they need?

April 28, 2010

Is Compromise Worth It?

What is compromise? Compromise is know there is something better, and still choosing the lesser of the two. If you act one way around certain people and another way around another group of people, then you are compromising your lifestyle to fit into the world. If you say one thing then do something else, you are compromising. Most people call these incidents "little white lies." Well in Proverbs 4:24 (message version) the Bible tells us, "Don't talk out both sides of your mouth, avoid careless banter (teasing), white lies, and gossip." So, those little white lies turn into huge doors. Creating these doors is an invite for the devil to come in and have his way with you. So, is any form of lying worth going through unnecessary trials from the enemy?

If this isn't enough to make you stop compromising; here's something else to think about. In James 4:4 (NIV) the Bible tells us, " Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." If you compromise your lifestyle to be friends with the world; doing things the world does such as: partying, doing things to please other people, disrespecting people, talking badly about people, deceiving people, etc.; then you are an enemy of God. So, is compromising who you are in Christ worth becoming and enemy of God and losing your destiny?

You see it's different when you know nothing about Christ or His word, then the world is all you know. But when you know the Word, and still choose to live like the world; then you are spitting in Jesus' face, and saying I don't want what you have to offer me. You are putting Him right back on the cross, and saying what you did wasn't good enough for me to give you 100% of my life.

So wight all that being said, my final question is; IS COMPROMISING WORTH YOUR LIFE?

February 12, 2010

I've made it, but how many wont.

This month I turned 18. Wooow I made it to 18. This just shows you that God's grace is truely amazing. If it wasn't for his grace, I would either be in jail or dead. There are so many people out there who are doing the same exact things I was doing, and they either end up in jail or dead. On my birthday Father had me at a place of gratitude that I've never experienced before. Just being grateful that he has graced me to see the age of 18. Then he asked me, " how many young people will never make to see the age of 18?" I couldn't do anything but cry. It hit me so hard. The body of Christ is always saying we need change, we need a revival, this generation is dying. All this is true, but what are we doing to help change it. We judge this generation because of the things that they do, but how are they going to change if that's all they know. When we were in the world, we didn't know that there was someone out there who will love us for real and that we didn't have to please anyone but him, so we continued to live of the world. This generation isn't going to change unless we get out there and show them that there is something real in this world more satisfying than the things that the enemy has to offer. The enemy isn't going to stop just because we're not doing what we're suppose to be doing. He's doing his job, so why aren't we doing ours. Religion has corrupted this generation, and it is time to restore the name of christianity. Not as just a name, but as a lifestyle. We can no longer be name tag christians. Either you are hot or cold, there is no in between. Some one once said, "either you're on the left or the right because the devil owns the fence in the middle." This means that if you're in the middle then you choose to agree with the devil because Father doesn't want a christian who is going to be warm, and neither is this generation. This generation wants authenticy, and someone who is going to be real with them. They want someone who will show them that it is possible to live a life according to the word. They are tired of people saying things and not doing it. It's time to stop allowing your mouth to run while your legs are standing still. Yeah I made it, but how many will die and go to hell because the body of Christ wants to be selfish? It's time to let your actions speak louder than your words.