February 8, 2011

Who is Your Warden?

Romans 6:16 (message)

"Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are
slaves to the one whom you obey- whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness."

We were all called to be a slave to someone. Even Paul considers himself a slave to Christ, Galatians 1:10 (message), "... If my goal was popularity, I wouldn't bother being Christ's slave." So, my question is who is your warden? Who do you allow to be the boss in your life? Is it satan who gives you the automatic torture sentence. He tortures you for eternity. Or will you allow Christ to be the boss. He offers you the life of eternal joy and peace. Whoever you give yourself to, know that you have made them your master.

Focusing on African Americans right now; we were fighting for freedom even before we were born. We've fought so hard against becoming slaves that we've done just that. We've imprisoned ourselves to the point that 1 out of 11 adult (men and women) african americans are enslaved to a cage call jail. Where they put hand cuffs on you; just like the slavery days. They take your freedom; just like the slavery days. They take your name and make you a number, just like the slavery days. You've allowed yourself to become a slave of this world which is ruled by who... no other then the devil himself. You've given into his lies that his way is better. Just because it's easier to sin doesn't mean it's better for you. 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV), "Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial." The devil will make the wide road look pretty to appeal to your flesh, but you have make the decision either to walk on it or follow Christ. Don't give in to the enemies plans to enslave you in a life of emptiness, failure, disappointments, depression, addictions, lying, stealing, murder, death, and most importantly hell. Now, he even has us in slavery to abortion. We make up 35% of abortions that happen in the US. But yet you think you're fighting against slavery. Come on people we've been slaves to the wrong master for long enough. Let's raise a standard for the African American race. Let's show the devil that he can no longer control us. Show him that our God is greater. Show him that the standards that he's placed over our young men (anger, murder, death, revenge, addictions, lawlessnes, lack of respect, fatherless, emotionless, sexual perversion...) will no longer be held over them. Show him that the standards that he's placed over our young women (babies out of wedlock, abortion, depression, oppression, fatherless, sexual perversion...) will no longer be held over their heads. Show him that as a people we will not back down, and that our God reigns. Become slaves of God and allow Him to take control.
