January 10, 2011

Rescued by LOVE!!

'Love Came Down'

"I remind myself of all that You've done, and the life I have because of Your Son.

Love came down and rescued me, Love came down and set me free. I am Yours, I am forever Yours."

This song is amazing, but i really want to focus on the lines above. We as human beings, but specifically to the "body of Christ", tend to forget what it is that God did for us. I know you remember that famous scripture growing up in church John 3:16. God made a choice, because He SO loves us, to send His son down to earth to take His wrath for us, so that we may have an opportunity to live eternally with Him in heaven. He didn't just come and die for us, but He took on sin, sickness, disease, and the wrath of God for us. Or did you forget because your nose is too high in the clouds, and you're trying so hard to impress people and be recognized that you've forgoten what He's brought you out of? It is only because Jesus loves us that we can live this life, but we forget that. We live this life as if we deserve to wake up, walk on our own, breathe without a tube being ran down our throat, go throughout the day without organs failing or getting into car accidents, or get to heaven for that matter. No, you want to know what we deserve DEATH!!! 'Romans 6:23' (ESV) says that "the wages of sin is DEATH." So, if you truly want to know what it is that you deserve; there it is. The religious game of going to church but living how you want to; deserves DEATH. The lying, cheating, stealing, doubt, unbelief, fear, hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness, gossip, placing things before God, and so many more all deserve DEATH. But, we were RESCUED by Love Himself '1 John 4:8'. It is His love for us that made Him send His son, but it was His hatred towards sin that made Him send His wrath against it. 'Romans 8:2' (NIV) says that, "because through CHRIST JESUS the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of SIN and DEATH." We've been set free from sin and death, it no longer has a legal right to be in our lives unless we let it. When we CHOOSE to sin then we're becoming enemies of God, and smacking Jesus in the face and saying what You did wasn't good enough. So, don't get so religious that you forget who you were and what you used to do before Christ changed your life. Romans 12:11 (ESV) "And they have conquered him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY." He wants us to remember so we can tell others; this way they won't have to go through the same things we did. If you're not going to do it for yourself; do it for the generation after you. They desperately need the body of Christ today!!!

Enjoy the song and the post and may you be blessed by it.



Anonymous said...

great word.